Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Parabens, Artificial Preservatives and other nasties.

This year we want to encourage our friends and clients to read labels carefully and spend just a little more time looking at the selection of goods on sale...shops are not big on selecting the best, they only want the most reasonable prices-so its up to us to become educated and smart about what we put in our mouths and on our bodies.
It is a known fact that we try our best to buy good wholesome foods for our children and family.
However the production of foods, cosmetics and products for washing and keeping house and body clean has become quite 'dark and devious'.

There are thousands of smaller cosmetic houses that do their best to keep the pure product on the shelf.
Sadly, most of the big cosmetic houses have already fallen to the way side with their "organic and pure products".
But what I laugh about is that we DON'T make time to check, therefore we buy product because the packaging and aroma is good.

They are laughing all the way to the bank :)

We don't have a thought for what we are doing. SO spend a little more time checking and reading the label of the foods and cosmetics you buy.

Paying a little more DOES NOT mean it is good and safe. Especially mothers. Please check baby foods and creams that they don't have a load of parabens and colorings at the bottom of the ingredients.

Check and ask, read the Internet and become a 'green person' Its vital that we are all familiar with the chemicals and harsh products that these huge corporates are filling our shelves with.
Just to make a few more big boys wealthy and a few million children sicker.

Think before you buy for your children...keep it simple, don't buy because the package is pretty only-check the box. next week we will speak on the different chemicals used to preserve products.

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